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Geriatric Welfare & Charitable Trust

GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUST is a non-government and non-profit development organization established in the year 2018 with a mission for Geriatric welfare and care to improve the quality of lives of tribal, rural and urban poor in Odisha.

The organisations primary focus on OLD AGE CARE for the neglected and tortuchered of rural and urban eople of Odisha.The secondary focus is for eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, ensuring social inclusion and justice, good governance and citizen’s right. Helping communities identify and initiate development measures; providing training and other capacity-building support to pro-poor organizations and individuals; and carrying out research and advocacy in favour of the poor people especially the rural poor and tribals constitute the major initiatives of the organisation.

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What we Did

Micro finance and Micro-enterprise Development

To provide livelihood opportunity to landless farmers and unemployed youth, GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUSThas undertaken Micro finance and Micro-enterprise Development programme. This is aimed at promoting self help groups of the women, thrift and credit to address financial needs of the poor families and to gain support for running income generation programmes.

Woman Empowerment

The organization has formed 1200 SHGs at the village level and given them life skill trainings on different activities, provided fund support to run enterprises, facilitated bank linkage and group entrepreneurship.

Village Contact Drive on Covid & Malaria

The state Government has been implementing a Program DAMAN is an acronym for Durgam Anchalare Malaria Nirakaran (Malaria eradication in inaccessible areas) in Odisha.


Livelihood is the core objective of all developmental initiatives of GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUSTand it revolves round promotion of sustainable livelihoods .


Orissa Rural Livelihood Programme (JEEVIKA)

Orissa Rural Livelihood Programme ( JEEVIKA) is being implemented in the block areas of Puri and cuttack district by GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUSTwith the support of DRDAs. Taking into account the skill deficit of the villagers and the potential of filling the skill gap in terms of promotion of sustainable livelihoods.


Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practice

Agriculture is the primary occupation of the people of this area & they have been practicing diversified agricultural practices. Different types of pulses, millets, oilseeds, local vegetables, traditional varieties of paddy are cultivated here. Farmers practice organic farming and don't use chemical fertilizers or market seeds. Therefore, agricultural produces of Kondhamal has a great demand for its taste, originality & organic flavor in wider markets of the state. Of late, there has been a shift towards market-oriented agriculture.

This practice has damaged autonomy and sustainability of agriculture leading to destruction of traditional seed diversity, crop varieties, cropping pattern, traditional agricultural knowledge and skills. So to conserve and to develop the traditional agricultural practice and to increase production & productivity, GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUSThas taken many agricultural measures in this area.

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GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUST also actively contributes to policy research, advocacy and networking initiatives at the state and national levels. At the national level, GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUST went on to play a pivotal role in the establishment of a civil society coalition .


Skill Development

Skill Development



Skill development is necessary for livelihood and efficient use of resources.

The project area is full of human resources; but offers almost no opportunity to develop skills. Therefore, the possibility for optimal use of human resources and scope for enhancing production is less and accordingly there is poverty and unemployment. Taking these into account, GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUST has incorporated skill development and capacity building as part of its intervention strategy.Rural youth and women are the main beneficiaries of the programme.

GERIATRIC WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUST has been empowering people by increasing their knowledge base, by capacitating them through skill-building, and by facilitating access to resources. NISARG’s approaches to promote and strengthen Peoples’ Institutions undertake micro-level planning, strengthening capacities, facilitating support, and a pro-poor advocacy, converges with the mainstream development programmes.


Meet Our Staff

Itishree champati
Chitaranjan Panigrahi
Sukram keshari champati



Our Programs

Livelihoods, Education, sustainable agriculture, women empowerment ,ICT application, Disaster Response and Mitigation, Health, Gender Equity; Child Rights and Protection programs.


Education as a means of socio-cultural and physical development generates ample opportunities for all individuals to flourish and build an equitable and just society

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Water & Sanitation

WASH in schools is globally recognised as a key intervention to promote children’s right to health and clean environment and to influence a generational change in health

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Skill Development

Skill development is necessary for livelihood and efficient use of resources. The project area is full of human resources; but offers almost no opportunity to develop skills.

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